Thursday, August 28, 2008

Never Gone

I got back home a couple of days ago after a 10-day trip and was hit by a huge pile of mess that some incompetent translator left for a friend of mine to deal with.  So, after unpacking/retrieving the mail at the post office/picking up books from library/grocery-shopping/cooking supper/updating finances, I crashed for the night and went straight to work on the mess all day yesterday.

While working, I thought I'd let the friend know that I'd take care of the crisis.  So I got on MSN and tagged on a little personal message there.

A while later, I got a message from Viv, a dear friend that I still haven't had a chance to meet in person.  We exchanged our usual spiel and went on working our own stuff, me deciphering all the questions the other translator couldn't hack, her off to ironing!  (Don't laugh.  Ironing is seriously time-consuming and if you know Viv you'd be hard-pressed to find her spending time at home ironing.)

After cleaning up the mess, I sent if off and started getting ready to take S to Ice Cream Social at her school.  Visited with other parents and some teachers and left past 7:30.  Had supper close to 8pm.

Today I finally felt up to doing the laundry and catching up on my online reading.  I went to Viv's blog and found that she'd come out of hibernation.

My dear friend, you were never gone.  :)

As always, I'm eager to see what you'll be writing about.  You know you've got quite a reader base and we'll all be craning our necks for the latest.  ;-)